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A silent list of uncredited game localization workers worldwide
Professional localizers are a centerpiece of videogame accessibility, and generate a lot of industry revenue. Yet, they are often completely missing from the credits of games to which they have dedicated up to several years of their lives. This invisibility keeps their careers stagnant, and deprives them of a much deserved sense of recognition.
This space is meant to acknowledge all of their quiet work.
Sarah Deville
~ 300,000 quiet words
Sasha Boucheron
~ 80,000 quiet words
H. T.
~ 540,000 quiet words
Jean-Claude du Nom-à-Rallonge dit JCNR
~ 1,550,000 quiet words
Lucie Teulières
~ 150,000 quiet words
Kévin A.
~ 8,000 quiet words
Potato Salad
~ 15,250,845,000 quiet words
Jane Doe
~ 675,100 quiet words
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